How To Change Language In Whatsapp

how to change language in whatsapp

Today I'm going to share with you how to change language in whatsapp. You may wonder why you would ever want to do that as most people use whatsapp for communication over email. Well if you are using this service for business purposes or even just friendship reasons you should really be concerned. Since the majority of the world speaks English, it's important that you communicate with others. But the sad truth is that if you're not using a translator you'll miss out on the important conversations that happen to take place between you and the people in your life.

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So, let's begin. Step 1: On your android device open whatsapp and tap the menu at the top. Step 2: Now tap on the option to 'Change Language.' (3 dots) Step 3: On the next screen you will see three choices. Tap one of the choices.


The first step is to select the desired language you wish to use. If you don't know what your preferred language is just choose your country. This will change your selection and you'll be asked to select your language from a list. The second step is to select the number of languages you'd like to use. Again you will be asked to select from a list.

How To Change Language In Whatsapp


The third and final step is to select your account type. There are two types available. The first is a free account, which allows you to read and send text messages, receive and send files, browse the web, and access your favorites. The second is a premium account which allow you to make calls, edit and create files, and a variety of other functions. Once you have selected the type of account you would like to set up, you can continue on to the How to change language in Whatsapp.


Step Four: On the 'How to change language in whatsapp' screen, you'll see that it's now the part about using Google translator. Tap on the radio button. This will bring out the Google translator application. You'll need to input whatever text you want translated and hit the translate button.


Step Five: Finally, on the last step you will need to sign in to your Google account. You will need to complete the sign in process. This allows Google access to your account and all your apps. It will also prompt you to switch back to the SMS chat application you had in your MMS provider. That was easy, right?


Now that you're done with step 1 and 2 you should be able to follow the same steps again for step 3 and step 4. If you need more help you can also use the Google Android or iOS mobile developer help websites. Once you get to the last step of how to change language in whatsapp tutorial, just tap on the download manager's label and you'll be prompted to choose a location where you want the files to be downloaded. Once you're done, your IM software will be installed and you're all set.


That was how to change language in Whatsapp, as simple as that. You will notice that everything you did worked. Your IM client will now display the message you sent as well as your messages. If all of that sounded too easy, then I suggest you keep reading more about IM software.


The next step in this how to change language in Whatsapp tutorial is to download an application called Google Maps for your android device. Open the app, and it will ask you where you would like your imap files to be uploaded to. You can either upload them directly to your android device or save them to your computer.


Step three is a little harder than the previous steps. You will have to go into settings and find out what language you are trying to change. Once you see the option for language, you have two choices. You can change it to the language of your choice, or you can put a comma followed by a country code. For example, if you live in the United Kingdom, enter "us" as the country code. That's it.


That was how to change language in Whatsapp. It wasn't very hard, but it sure was tedious. Now that you know how to do it, you should be ready to start using IMAP. Happy IMAPing!

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